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Wrapping up our 2023 Projects

Highlights from the 2023 Project Wrap-Up Celebration.

CCT Volunteers and Clients gather to celebrate their projects

The annual CCT Wrap-Up Celebration was help at the NonProfit Center in Boston last week as CCT clients and volunteers mixed and mingled and celebrated each team's accomplishments. All 10 clients spoke to the challenges their organizations were facing and how the projects helped address them. Clients represented nonprofits from a range of sectors, including:

Co-Chairs Lorri Veidenheimer and Lisa Coney kicked off the evening thanking both new and long-standing volunteers before opening the floor to clients to share the dilemmas they faced, the learnings they gleaned and the impact they saw. After several months of emails, calls and Zoom meetings, it was a gratifying to get project teams together with their clients and to meet other teams, nonprofits and volunteers.

Words from Clients

All non-profits are constrained; It's important to think big and CCT helped us think BIG. - Mary Kathryn Fallon, The Family Van
Brian Bortura of The Umbrella Arts Center shared his experience with CCT

This team really loves data! - Brian Bortura, The Umbrella Arts Center

It would have taken us years to do what the CCT team did in four months. - Kelly DiBenedetto, Boston Post Adoption Resources

Lorri Veidenheimer talks about CCT's project

Why does CCT need a project? Why does the shoemaker's children need shoes? - Lorri Veidenheimer, Community Consulting Teams of Boston

It never gets old to hear from our clients about their progress and the ways CCT helped advance their important work!


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