Is a CCT project right for your organization? To best leverage CCT volunteer efforts, a non-profit organization needs to reach an appropriate stage of development and size. We look for the following qualities in an organization and in its ability to support a project.
If you have questions, please contact us at
​To ensure the success of the consulting engagement, CCT looks for organizational stability, demonstrated need, and readiness for a project. Your organization should have:
501(c)3 status as a non-profit organization
Compelling mission
Full-time, paid Executive Director, and a minimum of three full-time paid staff
Established Board of Directors
Annual budget around $500,000 to $5 million
Location in the greater Boston area
Constituents in the following sectors: youth, healthcare, social action & advocacy, education, human services, environment/energy, or the arts
No religious or political affiliation

Potential projects should:
Address a high priority, strategic challenge
Have well-defined goals that are achievable by a volunteer team of 6-8 consultants working 3-5 hours per week from January to May
Have the sponsorship of the organization’s leadership, both Executive Director and Board Chairperson
Common project types from successful past applicants include:
Business plan feasibility analysis
Marketing strategies
Membership strategies
Operational effectiveness
Organization design and resource usage