CCT relies on the talents of its volunteers to help its non-profit clients address challenging business issues. In return, volunteers enjoy knowing that their skills are assisting non-profits in doing meaningful work in the Boston community. Additionally, volunteers have the opportunity to learn about the world of non-profits, broaden and sharpen their skill sets, as well as network with and enjoy the camaraderie of other like-minded professionals. Please consider joining us for our next round of projects!
The volunteer application typically opens in September. In November, we contact applicants with our short list of potential clients and project descriptions and ask you to indicate your top preferences. With this information, we determine final client and project selections and begin the team staffing process.
The final team formations are complete by mid-late December. Volunteers are notified of their project assignments by the end of Decemer. Project work begins in January and lasts through late May or early June.

​The deadline has passed for our 2025 projects (which typically run from January to May). But if you indicate your interest by filling out the form below, we will contact you when the next project cycle starts.
There are also opportunities to volunteer outside of project cycles. Check out our volunteer opportunities.
CCT is an all-volunteer organization, so there are several different volunteer roles:
Team Member — Work on a team to complete a project with a nonprofit client
Project Manager — Coach a team, manage client communications, and facilitate project progress
Project Sponsor — Serve as a liaison between the project team, client and CCT board
Committee Member — Serve a committee such as client development, volunteer development, project management, marketing, finance, and infrastructure
Board Member — Set strategic direction for CCT, manage organization and processes
If you are interested in becoming a Team Member, please submit a Volunteer Application. Other volunteer roles are available only for more experienced volunteers by invitation from CCT’s Board.